Yesterday I said that the sun was shining. Well, I lied. Or at least the sun was shining in the forenoon, but after that the sky opened up. Kalmar was on the news because it came so much rain that the streets flooded. And the rain continued today... I feel bad for the students that has arrived to a rainy Sweden but hopefully the summer will arrive (or come back... after all we did had summer for a week) pretty soon.
Some information about Summer Academy (from the webpage
Linnaeus University Summer Academy was introduced in the summer of 2014. The Summer Academy runs from July 6 – August 14, including an optional introduction week. The location is the beautiful city of Kalmar, one of our study sites.

The courses within Linnaeus University Summer Academy originate in Swedish culture and an innovative mindset. They are workshop-oriented and have a strong student focus. Through Summer Academy you get a feel for what it is like to study at Linnaeus University, both for you who want to try university studies in Sweden for a shorter period of time or for you who will continue your academic studies in the autumn semester 2015. The courses range from language, human rights and entrepreneurship to sports, glass design and sustainable development. All courses are 7.5 credit full-time courses, many with general entry requirements.

More update will come! Just wait for it =)